Received an E-Mail about Russian Drivers and an issue I have…

Got two e-mails yesterday from two different Oleg’s from far apart locations, found that interesting and useful.

“There is everything at the crossroads! Markings, signs and traffic lights. Only driving culture is missing.” – Oleg

Then later in the day:

Hello there!

Just checked on you, Kyle, on “Windowstorussia”, to learn about your coming MRI.
You hang in there. Here’s something, that you may find handy:

Best regards,


The first one is exactly the main issue with Russian drivers. The driving culture and the reason I am looking at this in the first place is that now, there are becoming lots and lots of new videos and they seem to be state sponsored for the most part. They encompass driving rules and penalties for driving wrong….cams at intersections record unbelievable violations in driving daily (within a few minutes, if they actually fined the issues, you are talking about tens of thousands of rubles never ending). They are trying to show how dangerous these violations can be to normal daily life….from cross-walkers/crossroads/highways humans to crosswalk/crossroads/highway vehicle violations. I know many Russians see it and I know it is frustrating to many as it is to me…

The second one is one (a video) that I am and have listened to yesterday and this morning again. I find it useful and it is a serious issue that I have to deal with….the video is useful for me personally and maybe for you or someone you know?…

Information is vital in your health…

Thanks to both Oleg’s…