The West is in descension and the East is in ascension…

There is something interconnecting the different wonders within the times we live:

China’s fast rising, Russia’s become alive once again, the breakdown of politically-sanctioned racial segregation in Africa, the ascent of the BLM in the US, the emination of Islamic patriotism’s, and so on and so on…

The common topic in these is by all accounts:

The antiquated are trying to stop the reinvigorated…

The astute among us:

Whether we like it or not, will detect the undeniable trends; The simpletons will continue to attempt to blow against the coming storm….The West “is in” descension and the east “is in” ascension….It can be slowed, but as in the term inevitable, it cannot be stopped…

I am glad I found an old fashion girl:

In an old fashion country, with which to live out the last few years of my old fashion life….the future is not mine anymore, I, many of you and the ones in power had my/our/their chance to make a mark upon this world long ago…

Now the “youth” must do their thing….and one day they will be right where I am at right now, watching and cringing at the youth on the march at that time….but being human, I will not be here to see it…