Covid-19 strikes again and this time in the Tiny Russian Village, time to think a bit and soul search…

My best friend in Russia. The kind of friend that irritates you and helps you when needed and a pain in the ass always and well simply a friend who you assume will be there always when needed and always around somewhere….and you are the same back to that friend…

Vova in the Tiny Russian Village has Covid-19…

They have taken him yesterday to a special place in a nearby village for special testing and he is back at TRV right now. He officially has Covid-19 and they will do as they do for so many tiny villages and all the people living there….they will do the best they can with the resources that they have…

Sveta and I are good, we were vaccinated, he refused when they came out to give it to him….Sveta just tested herself and she is clean. (If we had it? We are better protected now than even before. The vaccine must have worked for Sveta and I were both in close contact with Vova.) But, we know of three more people who definitely have Covid-19. The Muscovite that brought it to the Tiny Russian Village, Vova’s girlfriend and her best friend. Vova just turned a few weeks ago 70 years old and had a all night party. I was there for a short time (very early), yet I was prepared and sanitized, mask and am vaccinated….The lone fool in most eyes as always and the only one who did not come down with the Delta Covid-19 out of the party. Three days later Delta slammed dunked Vova and friends…

I clearly remember when Vova came over to our home and he was sick….I knew it then that he had Covid-19, but no one and I mean no one listened and wanted to believe….it is just a Tiny Russian Village, you know!

I think Sveta is trying to figure out what we can do to help financially to take the pressure off Vova and to increase the options available to him. This is Covid-19 the Delta variant from India. The damn variant that the Russian Gov let in when they approved not long ago students from India to come back to Russian Universities…

The Delta variant causes more infections and spreads faster than early forms of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19

Source: Delta Variant: What We Know About the Science | CDC

Vova has a lot of animals to take care of, yet the situation is bad. What with quarantine, and all….you can’t just go and be with them in any form anymore. I heard the scared little boy in his voice as he talked to Svetochka yesterday. The sad, depressed and scared little boy that hides in all grown men at times…

Time to do some soul searching and think about life in general. Lets see what we can do to help Vova, as we have to watch from the other side of the protective barrier. Even if that barrier is neither physically there and or drawn to protect all around in a distance sense. It still is a barrier that cannot be overcome unless we all want to get Covid-19 also….it is a lonely disease…

Now we wait and watch and we pray….yes, I had a good talk with God last night and I hope he is listening. I know a fool and good friends also of his and mine that need help, even if “he is a mess” as we say…

Damn that King Covid-19!


Update: Vova in a hospital under treatment… (2021/11/13)