Yes Windows 11 really does simply work & play…

Well I have dual booted my Windows 11 laptop with my favorite Linux and that will allow me to salvage any data that Windows 11 may or may not decided to toss in “File Thirteen” without my permission, for Windows 10 did just that & a good reason I did not like Windows 10… (Data Loss? Never say nothing will happen in the computer world!)

Windows 11 is definitely a Keeper…

Windows 11 is humming along and after multiple small updates and I joined the beta program again and got more updates and even more updates. It has settled down to being very stable and happy…

I even brought out my Doom 3 disk and it installed no issues at all after a few tweaks (couple of patches and one I wrote myself) and played perfect. I have had that disk since 2004 when I lived in the USA. I wondered would it be a terrible ordeal to install on a new computer? Nope…

Yes, I have been known to game in the old days…

The built in NVIDIA card really works great with it…

But Doom 3 makes me seasick feeling. Maybe I won’t play that in my old age?

Therefore, I have settled down on my laptop and decided to give the next few months to Windows 11 and do a long term evaluation of it…

So in the future, after Winter? I will see what I think about Windows 11 again…