Guess I gonna have to take a Covid Test today…

Running fever last night, had a soar throat for several days and feeling like crap most of the time…

Better check it out and make sure that I do not have the Queen Omicron or King Covid-19…

All Hail Queen Omicron…

Also going to be bitter cold for the next few days. Talking about getting down in the -30’s C and that will be no fun for Muscovite’s. Moscow is balmy compared to the Tiny Russian Village at winter time…

I have a SweetPea…

1. Remember to take covid test today!
2. Be extra Grumpy!
3. Drink extra coffee!
4. Hug my SweetPea!

There, that covers that…


Update: So I took the test and am okay. But still running a 37.5 fever and feel like poop…

One line at top (C) okay. If line appears top and bottom (C & T)? Not okay!