We See The Sun in Moscow but More Smoke to Come…

A reprieve happened today. The air cleared a little bit and the sun poked her nose at us today. That does not mean that all is good but it does mean that there still is a possible life without smoke. This let up in smoke will most likely be short lived because over 520 fires are estimated to be blazing across Russia as I write this post…

The fires have also surrounded Moscow

The smoke is reported to have even carried as far as St Petersburg. I read a letter from someone that said they woke this morning in St. Petersburg the sky was dimmed and the smell of smoke drifted in the air…

I find the responses of the Government interesting and the fact that they promise to give everyone new homes that lost them in these fires is intriguing to me. It seems that many have received compensation money already and that within three months they will have new homes…

Sveta was telling me that it looks like the new homes will be flats instead of the village homes that many lived in. The flats will have running water, sewer and other amenities. Don’t be puzzled by what I have said. Most villages have no running water and use outhouses as the norm. So this is a huge step up in the world for many of these people…

I have read many angry letters by people on Live-journal and I sense some frustrated non believing people. I really do not blame them because they have just watched all their possessions go up in flames and nothing could stop it. The heat and fires make non believers out of the best of us…

But the excitement of a new home is in the air and if the Kremlin fulfills its promise you could have a better ending then the beginning of this tragedy…

So Windows to Russia will keep an eye on the progress of rebuilding the villages and see if what has been promised will come to bear fruit

I think it will…

Windows to Russia!