A post of a brutal cold frozen memory of a New Year in the Tiny Russian Village…

And hot tea and even plain hot water when it gets that cold!

It was in the New Year of 2016 that Boza and I was dug in at the Tiny Russian Village and 2017 was getting ready to come in with a wicked cold snap….windchill down to -62 C…

Bring in the New Year and cold…

We saw -35 C that New Year and the wind was worse than predicted and it did hit -62 and yes, it was memorable….Boza decided that staying snuggled next to me under a blanket was the best resort to survival….burned wood 24 hours, heat lamps in the light sockets, two space heaters going and six layers of clothes and a doggy that kept me warm…

Those were the good days my friend….as the days are still good now!