Russia definitely accuses the USA now and CSTO is in Kazakhstan…

Kazakhstan, Oh My: and the CSTO will step in…

After the US opened its mouth and stuck foot in, the UK has had some interesting shifting of personnel from the situation and a dumbfounded Western Empire at how fast the CSTO moved….has left nothing but lies and more lies to be spread in the western media….nothing new here…

So the CSTO decided that arguing with the West is otiose…

Kazakhstan had serious issues….yet again, real concerns by real people within their own country were hijacked and planned escapades by the West got out of hand and people got hurt. Just another color revolution by the West….using real people as cover for underhanded manipulations…

The same even happened in the capital of the USA and the USA is still reeling from the turmoil that they caused to themselves internally…

You see….Russia leans from its mistakes and Ukraine was one of those mistakes and Russia did not react fast enough. If Russia had stayed silent and watching as in the past? Kazakhstan would be over run with paid mercenaries right now. Just like they did to Ukraine….Just like they tried recently in Belarus…

The CSTO was implemented for such times as this…

The West always reminds me of that pigeon strutting around on a chess board and knock the pieces all over the place….no matter how you look at it….the USA always looks like that pigeon and pigeons gotta pigeon. You know?

By the way: The western Empire is not even bothering to hide anymore their attempts at color revolutions. They are either drunk with confidence or scared like hell and panic stricken?

I put my money on careless abandonment of all morality and normalcy due to being scared pantless…