Quote about Nord Stream 2 – by Sergey Lavrov

“As for Nord Stream 2, it’s no longer about the freedom to choose alliances, it’s simply about the freedom to carry out ordinary commercial activities on world markets. It turns out that Germany does not have any freedom to pursue its own economic interests. That’s where they, double standards, are most striking,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. – Source: Situation with Nord Stream 2 reveals Germany’s lack of economic freedom — Lavrov – Business & Economy – TASS

Chose carefully, for it is the only two choices you have…

What must be asked is:

When is an ally not an ally, but a servant and or an overlord?

Germany and much of Europe have a mirror to look in and decide if servitude is the way of life that they desire…

For that Y in the road is very clear and the way you chose is what you live with for a very long time…