Today I walk to a very special place in the history of man…

Actually the history of man and the gods…

Not talking about where I am at yet. Too many things happening and too many psychos dancing. So I will simply go do my stuff and watch as the world burns from 200 directions at a time….maybe the gods will have some words of wisdom for me?

It is interesting what triggered this. Russia sat paitently and took the abuse for many years. Many more years than what you or I would have done. But when someone gives the go ahead and that go ahead was by orders of NATO/USA and Nukes were brought up….it had to end….the same if someone had tried to put Nukes in Mexico…

One of the red lines that the Bear will not even consider is NATO having nukes in Ukraine. That is exactly what the situation was headed to. When Ukraine announced building nukes again (Nukes by the USA would be installed even if they said they did not do it, just like at Israel whom had lots of help in the same way Ukraine would have), I could imagine that Russia said, “Enough is enough!” And, well “hells bells” here we are…

I do know that Russia and I have said this many times, does not bluff and has finally had enough. Enough of the blames, lies, treatment like a nigger, insinuations, games, threats and being talked down to by the Western Empire….Right now that Westerm Empire is running around like a bunch of rodents who have poked sticks at the bear and now are screaming, “What we do?”

Doesn’t matter now if they were just pushing the Bears buttons and see how far they could get….the Bear has come out of his Den and is goddamn gonna kick some damn rodent ass and or die trying and that my friend is what happens when you wake a sleeping bear and then keep poking him with sticks…

I don’t support war, thus, I have to say that I wish Russia would end it fast and get out of Ukraine. Yet…

The Western Empire has and had it coming and The Russian Bear who now is saying, “We warned you and you treated us like trash!”. Is going to do what it says it will do…

I warned the world many times on this blog over all these years…

Russia does not bluff and a pissed off Bear is a bad thing and right now Russia is pissed at the way things developed and the way that the Western Empire kept prodding at it with sticks…

My suggesting to the Western World….stop, back away slowly and let the bear calm down. Then try to extend an olive brance and mean it….for even if you kill the bear, he will extract the last of what you have to offer and bite and claw as he dies. You never recover from a bear mulling…

It is very important to focus on why this started and stop focusing on what is happening now and the propaganda is flying….this simple fact is, It would have never happened if the West had just let the sleeing bear be happy and eat his berries that the forest gives him…

The blame lies completely on the USA and now as they try to blame Russia as they literally blame everything, they will only infuriate the bear more….you need to understand that the Western World needs to apologize and make amends and allow the bear to forage his forest….for the bear is happy in his forest, yet now that bear is looking at all those rodents that have pestered him for years and years…

God help us, for we really need him now…