It is called a Conscience…

I’m absolutely and in no way, shape or form a strict religious man. How I might interpret the world, comes from a humanistic, rational compassion which all things considered, brings me exceptionally near a strict form of reasoning about life…

Many years ago, I used to surrender, throw my arms up and look at the gods and ask, “Why?” Why, about the idiocy around me and the reality everyone will not think…

Between the facts of rampet drug usage, alcoholism, overload of media and a carpet of never ending facaded lies, something happened to humans growing up nowadays…

More and more, I understand, that the fundamental issue with those individuals is, they totally lost their small inner voice of right and wrong….that voice that you should listen to when you are doing something….anything…

Kind of akin to the idea behind the devil on one shoulder, an angel on the opposite shoulder and a little voice whispers in each ear. Devil says, “Do it!” Angel says, “No!”

Inner voice is the channel which keeps individuals’ cerebrum from getting overpowered by bogus data, since it forbids an over-burden….and stops the brain from stepping too far…

It is a slow process and takes time to wake that tiny inner voice up and uncertainty prompts the unheard of and non used “Think for yourself”…

Uncertainty can get triggered by the inner voice…

Can that voice be woke again?

Or do we only hear the, “Do It!”

It is called a Conscience…