Chickens coming home to roost and Russia is all to its plan…

The more pressing issue which has presently overshadowed literally everything in the world is Russia’s transition to just offer it’s energy assets to the now famous naughty countries of the EU and Americas for availability only in Rubles. They, the naughty countries, suddenly find that they could do without a Ukraine anchor around their necks, (Whom in the EU decided Ukraine was worth freezing to death over?) as this is currently a major unstoppable train-wreck for themselves. Even if the train brakes are applied, overshot of the station has been guaranteed. They hung themselves genuinely, horrendously this time and you have to ask, “What spell were they under?”

Will the power above our pay grade retreat for now, to lick its wounds?

Earth 2022; We are watching in real-time and it is above our pay grade…

I seriously doubt he will back off willingly…

Now to adding to the “Big Guy” above wounds:

Chickens do always come home to roost…

Additionally the USA has an exasperating stinging issue now. The situation with “their $” money as a worshiped currency, got hit by the backlash of sanctions. On purpose or ignorance? Or belief in your own lies?

With an obvious excessive amount of (scared to be next inline for sanctions) nations, these nations are scrambling to leave the dollar. I could imagine the backroom meetings are hot right now….Such a large number of dollars floating back home across the oceans at this point? Will cause people in the USA to experience and embrace a Zimbabwe form of money….can they control what could happen and it is starting to happening as you read this?

The USA never thought Russia had this power….that is what happens when you believe your own rhetoric and lies…

Russia is all to its plan:

Only Armchair Internet Generals all over the world desire and want a Nuke war to happen….a sign of their manhood? Maybe…

I think individuals really should understand now that Russia won’t express its actual objectives, they can’t. In the event that and when Russia pulls out to some stabilized situation, individuals need to recall that it’s anything but a misfortune. Yet however shrewd Russia is, they can’t go down in the messy heap of western countries, with what is happening. Russia has to play its own cards…

Russia is in Ukraine to give “Russian Speaking Christian Individuals”, who have essentially been held hostage, an opportunity to get out. Russia is there to obliterate bio-weapons labs and accumulate proof. They are there to annihilate weapons of mass destruction. They are there to stop the evil from moving closer and there to slow the advance of evil and to set a permanent boundary of East vs West…

This evil was going to and still desires to decimation those Ukraine Russian individuals. No one seems to want to face that evil in the West yet and they in the West seem to trust that evil….will the Western people face that evil???….or will they do as they are doing and turn look away?

Likewise for future reference, when they do kill and murder, jail, round up and use camps for all the excess Russian speaking people left behind in Ukraine, the EU and North America, when Russia finally pulls out of what it does not want, it will not be Russia’s shortcoming. The West was at that point of genocide on Ukraine Russians and by catching them, with their plans of decimation, things got turbulent enough, that they could not pull off it. For Russia acted out of character in their eyes and Russia scared the bejeebers out of the West. It was amazing to watch and yet, Russia is no fool and knows that evil will not rest until it does what it started to do…

The introvert Russia literally became that woke Mamma Bear….when her children where at deaths door!

Any place (such as Western Ukraine) Russia pulls out from, will promptly be loaded up with some kind of weaponry on the expense and dime of Western people. Russia knows this and the West is anything if not predictable in this aspect. The West in a fit of exasperation at Russia is and are as of now filling Poland and Eastern Europe with weapons, troops and whatnot’s, notwithstanding…

Remember evil never rests and all you can do it to pray to God and hope you can stymie the advance of the endless evil pursuit of ruling the earth…

Russia had to try to save as many Russians as possible and then now will regroup and strengthen defenses within its designated buffers and boarders….as they get ready for the Western Empire to thrash and kill some more….the Russian who care about Russia have come home. The Russians who care about the EU have run to their EU desired playground and the Russians who are Nationalists of Ukraine are dying and fighting still like mindless zombies and are lost causes anyway…

Russians that have not heeded the warnings sent over the years are and will be considered in many cases a lost cause. So many Russians have come home, yet so many just do not get it. The population is almost back to the 150 million and it had dropped down as low as 143 million people a few years ago. This is important to understand, for the division of East and West is being drawn and Russia is drawing that line…

Something is really bothering me and “Expat Russians” better run…

Russia never had the desire to Nuke the world, yet if they do not bluff, the use of Nukes was more than real and the West realized this. This was a bad situation and we came much closer than you understand to death. The west is blinking right now, upset, licking its wounds and thrashing in hate at Russia. I do not know what is next…

Will the West give us a few more years of peace? Will we reach a balance? I do know that Russia is trying to create a division…a division that I hope is able to be created, achieved and works. This line is the same as in Korea…

It is a line of demarcation between the East and West, between Good and Evil…

For the War is far from over, it actually has just begun and the West wants everything!