Yes we are internet/phone safe and just barely in time, thoughts also…

The Cyber Attacks are just brutal on all things internet and the pushing of nasty surprises in updates from western apps and software is unbelievable. And what is it about humans when told…

Hey that big bully coming down the street is gonna clean your clock with a roundhouse punch! Better get out of the way!

Then they stand there and look around like, did someone say something to me?

Then they get their clock cleaned…

Why do they not listen?

I am watching and find that in our case Sveta moves at a much slower pace than I do….Sveta is extremely intelligent and patient. Good for me and bad for me. I have to be nuts and push to get things done. I am an irritant until it gets done. When in danger? Get your ass moving…

That is the issue. What I perceive as danger and an issue that cannot wait, is not always seen that way by many. Then the process of getting things under control becomes a chore. One that will push the boundaries of safety. Yet, I know she understands why I push and appreciates it in the end, yet it is no fun. No fun when you know that time is against you and we have barely got it done and the attacks on all fronts are increasing as resources are bundled together by the Western Empire against Russia in the Cyber…

Life has become:

Hardened smartphones against Google and the USA. Desktop computer running Chinese Linux and hardened. Work computer running Russian Linux and extremely hardened. Another laptop in use that is expendable, with Windows 7 and hardened and soon to be even a physical hard-walled boundary against web usage….this is for usage of Office and other Microsoft products basically and only. No updates on anything ever again from the western world…

Smartphones are all Huawei HarmonyOS and nothing Google anywhere. Google will take you down in a heartbeat….by the way, HarmonyOS is the cats meow…

So we are good, yet I still have to wonder why people cannot get it in gear when life gets rough?

But my SweetPea has me to drive the issue!

I am getting ready to go to the Tiny Russian Village. Not for a long time (maybe two months)….I have to install a wood stove in Nikolai’s home. Rebuild the outhouse at Mom’s home, fence fixing, chickadee/sparrow feeding and check and make sure that roofs are solid and not leaking. Then back to Moscow and get serious about Russian residency and or Asylum and whatsits…

If you are in the West? Your media and governments are lying to the point of serious dangerous psycho sickness. I have never seen such lies and it does bring into an affect of now realizing that my whole life has been a lie. Therefore, we have to question and demand truth about everything we grew up with as truth….moon, wars, 911, Baltimore, school shootings, everything has to be gone back to and evaluated again from the beginning…

It has become exactly like this: We say something and call it the truth….then we get caught….there is even video evidence and written confirmation we are caught in a lie….we then say, we never said that and you are wrong and the video is playing in their face as they say it….you show them the evidence and they get mad and or remove you and or chew you out….yet they do not admit that they lie and they lie to cover a lie, called doubling down…

They say we did not mean that when we said it. They say, we never said that. They say, you heard wrong. They say, they say, they say everything but the truth. And yet a truth was told about Bio-Labs in Ukraine and then they quadrupled down on the propaganda and lies to cover the truth they let out and start screaming about Russia, Russia and more Russia…

The truth is the USA developed Covid-19 as targeted attacks upon other countries and we attacked China with it. Then blamed China for doing it….though I suspect that China tossed a Covid-19 grenade back at the USA when they found out what happened…

The USA is the Empire of Lies…

Empire of lies… Video by Putin