It has become calm…

Before my heart attacks and brain tumor, I could take the world upon my shoulders and win….time and time again, I won battle after battle and while I won the battle of heart attacks six times and brain tumor once. I was drained and became anxious. Unlike me and then I found someone whom sees the old me inside, even as I thought I lost him…

I think to clarify something is important for me and anyone reading this post; I am not a religious person. I do not specify that I am a baptist, a Muslim, a Catholic nor an Orthodox as such. I would feel that I betray God to specify as one believer in one way to our so called Heaven. I am what you would call Christian in basics….yet, I am unable to accept that God works through any one particular religious sect. I see corruption among all sects on Earth…

What I am is a believer in God and I do not believe that God specifically says, Eg. You must be a Baptist or suffer eternally in the pools of fire in Hell! I believe that there is a God, a higher power that is present and I believe that we must come to grips with this God or follow our path of so called purgatory for eternity. I actually have a tendency to entertain the thought that we are in Purgatory and until we expiate our sins? We will rotate like a ball on a finger, around and around…

It is what makes sense to me. For trials and tribulations are rife upon our world and everyone of them is a test to what we call atonement…

But to believe that one religion over the other is the best, is foolish in mind and soul. Whereupon that is a very human thing to do, believe your god is better than their god. For there may well be gods and many of them, there is only one God…

I call it God with a capital “G”. The one and only true God…

Battles are won, yet wars are very hard to win…

Today as I wrote a post this morning, in pain from all my battles of life and in doubt of all I have done and in disbelief of why I do what I do….I realized, as a calm came over me. I realized why I am in Russia…

I realize why I write and write and write…

First lets look at a subject that is confusing to most humans and definitely confusing to the ones whom think that know…

Therefore, I ask myself lately, “Are we in Holy War?”

Kinda an unheard of and mistaken phrase all through history, yet a phrase that actually has the only meaning that makes sense to me and to you if you think about what is happening…

We are told that there have been up to eight Holy Wars in our history? Yet, I only see one and it is still going on as you read this. All wars are the same, death is in abundance and one side wins the main battle in the end. But no one wins the war. Lets see how Holy War is defined…

Holy war, any war fought by divine command or for a religious purpose. The concept of holy war is found in the Bible (e.g., the Book of Joshua) and has played a role in many religions. See crusade; jihad. –

Source: holy war | religious concept | Britannica

I find the definition very simplified and humanized. It is done this way, because humans cannot really fathom that we are just pawns of higher powers. Humans like to think of themselves as the center of the universe. It has been this way since our time began upon this beautiful rock in space. We humans have no idea how we got here and how we began and that is a paradox that even a Pandora’s Box cannot deal with…

Yet, we are here on earth and no matter how you try to believe and explain how we got here….even the lowest common denominator says that Mother Nature is a higher power and she made us. This is still a belief in something higher than us. You cannot deny that we are something totally different than anything else developed upon this planet. Nothing is able to connect the dots when you look at us on this planet and see what these hairless monkey’s that run around with iPhones are up to. We just do not fit the definition of being totally naturally made by Nature…

So to say that we have Holy Wars is akin to trying to place us as gods and that we have divine rights to say simply, “Our religion is better than yours!”

So to make this part short:

The first and only Holy War that we know of and a war that is still going on is when? Well the best and easiest way to say it has been said very well by the Orthodox and like all ways talked about many try to act like the war in Heaven is over…

In the beginning God created all angels as benevolent celestial beings. They were created with a free will and to choose to follow God’s will or like Adam decide to follow their own will and oppose what God wanted. Lucifer was one of those angels that rebelled and misused the freedom that God had given him.

Source: Fallen Angels | Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral

It is over in Heaven…

The battle between good and evil began even before the creation of the world and will continue until the day of the final Judgment. Actually the battle in heaven is finished, with the complete defeat of evil. Now the site of the battle has been transferred into the world, more precisely into our minds and hearts. As we shall see, the good angels, and in particular our Guardian Angels, actively help us in our battle against evil. (same link above)

But that war that involved a third of the angels fallen to earth, the earth where we live as hairless monkey’s has Lucifer and his angels living right here with us. Now that should make you think and even if you try not to believe and think we are simply gods ourselves upon this planet and we just popped up as a fluke of Mother Nature, then maybe we should embrace different ideas about our beginnings and strive to accept what we are. I cannot tell you what to accept, yet I realize that we are here to find what is truth and what is lies….just as we are here to endure a war between good and evil….one that is an everyday occurrence and one that we must decide which way we fall in the scheme of things…

I call us pawns:

The above line of thinking by me, is very basic thinking, for we are not able to comprehend father than that. We have no one who comes forth and tells us, “Once Upon a Time” and has authority to tell the story. Just like if they did? We would put them into an insane asylum and toss the key…

I saw a good comment years ago; If Jesus came to Earth right now, we would put him away for what he said and did. Not much different than how we crucified him in the first place, is it? Which means to me that we have not grown where it counts….spiritually we are regressing, even while our tech is growing. They do not seem to run parallel…


In November 1095, at the Council of Clermont in southern France, the Pope called on Western Christians to take up arms to aid the Byzantines and recapture the Holy Land from Muslim control. This marked the beginning of the Crusades. – Source: Crusades: Definition, Religious Wars & Facts – HISTORY

Now that is enough of a foundation laid for what we are looking at right now….and you should read and study how we as humans did in the past, just as we as humans are doing exactly the same thing in present time and as we as humans will continue to do in the future, unless we grow up and find our reason for being on Earth…

Now back to what I talk about at the beginning:

I talked about this in the link below and I still believe it totally. I cannot, being human, point out exactly who, what, where and when. Yet I have an opinion and that opinion is based on the belief that we have a higher power that works among us all the time. I call it, “Above our Pay grade!”

Earth 2022; We are watching in real-time and it is above our pay grade…

I do know that the USA is acting the fool and Russia is trying to stop the fool…

The earth destroys its fools, but the intelligent destroy the earth. — Khalid ibn al-Walid

I find this quote interesting above…

Right now the fools that Russians call 5th Column are leaving as fast as they can and that is actually a very good thing. These 5th Column people want Russia destroyed and the USA to flourish. You might gather that I am definitely not a 5th Column person nor am I a 6th Column person! I am my own column to be exact…

I simply love Russia, for who she is and what she stands for…

So it became clear to me:

I reached an understanding within myself and have realized that if I can reach one person who needs to get to Russia to stay as safe as we can be right now. I have accomplished what I need to do. Mainly Russians that are not in Russia….they mostly speak English out in the world and they might see what I write and come home before it is too late. The signs are all there and the psychotic behavior by the west should be a trigger point for intelligent people, yet people cannot see the forest for the trees (Or is it trees for the forest?)…

Russia is calm and Russia understands what is happening. Even the masses understand that we win or we lose and if we lose, Russia is no more…

I accept this and found my oneself within me. I found that person who realizes that we do not live forever and if we have a breath left in our bodies, we must fight for what is right. To fight for what is wrong has connotations that extend deep into the ability for our human race to ever find itself and reach what the higher ups have tried to get us to discover. Believe you me, war, killing, rape, destruction only helps one entity and it is not God and not us humans…

I will write and hope to bring home one, two, three or more Russians and or even outsiders like myself who believe in Russia. I will try and I will irritate many, for they do not want to face what we are facing right now on our planet Earth…

Anyone who has read my work over the years, knows that I love Ukraine, yet I also watched and saw the transformation from a wonderful country to the country that spent years killing its own people. People that spoke Russian and had ties to Russia too strong for Ukraine to bare and accept. I watched the infiltration by the USA as I worked and stayed in Ukraine. I posted many many articles about this happening….it was an evil that destroyed Ukraine an evil that has been dormant in Ukraine since time began and the USA has nurtured that evil to rear its head…

To sum it up:

Russians who care about Russia come home…

It is going to take all of you to keep Russia alive in the world that the USA has and is trying to create. This world is not a good world and it is not a just world. It is a world of hurt and pain for all and all you have to do is look around you in the west and see how the west is intentionally degrading everything it touches and all for a lessor god than the one we should embrace…

I was struck by this quote by a news broadcaster in Russia…

“Our submarines are capable of launching over 500 nuclear warheads, which guarantees the destruction of the U.S. and all NATO countries,” Kiselyov said on his weekly program, “Vesti Nedeli.”

“Why do we need a world if Russia is not in it?” said Kiselyov

I found myself in silence after hearing that said as he actually said it and the thoughts as to what is actually happening started to flow. Thus, I write and I explain in my website…

I may not be able to do what I want to do to make my stand in the Tiny Russian Village, for it is a long way to get there physically. I know that God blesses the Tiny Russian Village and I feel it every time I am there. When the hordes from the North come with their “Holy War” attitude as they have done many times in the past and try to swarm Russia and they will, be it tomorrow and or years from now….I want to die with the old monastery at my back, the monastery that I know God still walks in…

There are many places in Russia that God still walks and it is a wonderful feeling, for I felt God leave the USA many years ago. For some reason God allowed this sinning man that I am to find a wonderful woman who is my way to heaven. With all my faults and all that I have done, he still blessed me with a chance to redeem myself. I can’t let him down and I realize that maybe it is a human “Holy War”?

Yet, that is to simplify the situation way too much…

The Russians are happy and they play and work. The children run and throw snowballs at each other. They accept what is happening and that is a country of believers in God. Orthodoxy is strong in Russia and with faith comes peace of mind. Russians will fight. Until then? Life is to be lived…

It has become calm…