So you don’t think it is a Holy War, Think Again…

As the Catholic Pope kisses the Ukraine flag…

Hug that flag, kiss that flag and embrace that flag….for it belongs to your new god…

“It comes from the war, precisely from that martyred city, Bucha,” he said, kissing it and holding it up for the audience of several thousand, which broke into applause.

Things are getting weird….and enter officially the Catholics to drive the call to remove the Russians….you know….the Snow Niggers as they call Russians…

Easter is gonna be made up of Jesus in a yellow/blue Ukraine flag as his outfit and the LGBTQRZ Crowd will be running around in the same flag like skivvies in joy joy land…

The Pope just told his followers, “It’s open season on Russians!”

Holy War Number 9 has started officially…

It has become calm…