Never in our lifetime has been such tools – propaganda

Propaganda is as old as humans:

It is interesting that propaganda has always been around and always will be around. Yet, good propaganda can only be used once effectively and then you must go on to higher levels….very much like a movie about monsters in the 1950’s is laughed at by the children now who have grown up on monsters that make Frankenstein look like a clown…

I am watching the masses over this so called war between Russia and Ukraine/USA/UK/NATO/EU and whom every says they are on Team A and sending weapons to Ukraine. Weapons that will end up on the terrorist form of E-Bay and sold to the highest bidder, unless they get blown up by Russia first…

Humans are being numbed to real life and made by propaganda to be numb to reality. The minds of the masses in the West are all ready wandering to social media and looking for that next stupid thing to do. Attention spans of normal humans is not exactly a thing that can be relied upon, unless you want to rely upon no attention span, Eg. a goldfish…

The West has thrown all the propaganda out in a panicked weird fury and like sanctions the effect is waning away. Yet to expect anything else from a mental midget such as the Western Empire would be to think that there is some form of intelligence within the West and that my friend is lacking…

Intelligence would mean not getting the world into the position it is right now in the first place and as with caring, the West would not have been slaughtering millions of innocent humans all these years and getting away with it…

For basically 100 years the West has run on overload and going from one crises to another and most crises have been created by the West. Crises from the home front to the world stage….all done to hold on to what they have stolen and killed for and they are in a panic to keep what they plundered and not be tarred and feathered after they are caught red handed….which they have been caught!

Thus the propaganda overload:

For propaganda to work its best, you must have controlled propaganda and doll it out in minuscule parts. The long term effect is desirable, yet in a panic as what has happened in the actions of the West, they dumped all their tools in one time and place…

The West had unbelievable quantity of sanctions and propaganda already sitting in a box ready to use and they were close to starting the multiyear process of destroying Russia one slice at a time through sanctions and propaganda. They already were doing just that and were getting ready to never stop until Russia was dead…

Never in our lifetime has been such tools – propaganda – Internet has created a hot bed of information and the manipulation of that information is peaking and accepted by the masses. They lap up the daily, hourly even changes like a kitty and a bowl of milk. It is all to distract from reality and you all love it…

But: All great plans even by the scum of the earth, get screwed up….Thank God for that!

Russia jumped their kit and they (NATO) panicked like a screaming teenage girl in a horror movie…

They just dumped everything in that box at once and found that they painted themselves into a corner and now they are grabbing anything and everything trying to make ca-ca stick to the wall…

It is like you have two assailants with knives and one double barrel shotgun. You in your panic pull both triggers at the same time and the assailant that you did not shoot, smiles and plunges the knife into you…

The over load of propaganda works, but only for a short time and them you have to rinse and repeat with every more soap every time to make it work. If you dump the whole box of soap into the washer? The resulting mess is horrendous, yet no more soap, no more mess once cleaned up….and little messes without so many soap bubbles is easier to see through…

The “Western Psyops” (Techniques used by military and police forces to influence the beliefs, emotions and behavior of its citizens.) in propaganda should have been dealt out slowly to be long term effective…

So therefore, while what propaganda has been exceeding anything to this date in our world, the next round is going to be very hard to propagate the same effect of propaganda, because everyone has been desensitized too much…

The Western audience is already looking around and too the delight of the pink haired Chinese girl dancing on TikTok to the latest music hit, she is getting her audience back…

Russia knows what it is doing….West says….war too slow….war to slow….war to slow!

What they mean is War is boring and Russia is not killing everyone fast enough to keep the audiences happy. It takes a whole bunch to keep social medias attention away from the pink haired dancing TiKTok girl. Almost impossible for the long term…

Heaven help us when the “Western World Rejects Neocons” decide that to get their audience back from the pink haired girl, that they need to lob a Nuke and blame it on Russia….you only have yourself to blame for all that is happening for even playing along in the first place. We are children led to the slaughter and we laugh and play the whole way…

Time to wake up and you have heard me say that a million times upon this website…

Better yet: Just go watch the pink haired Chinese girl dance and we will all be better for it! Thanks…


Never in our lifetime has been such tools – propaganda