Expect Russians to be registered, detained, deported and harassed to start with…

We can expect such a barbaric way of behaving in light of the fact that what is left for the US and EU? The calls within governments of the West are already gearing up to what to do with all those Russians living amongst us? It is a constant barrage upon Russians in the West as they try to play their sports, ballet, chess, work and whatever, start with the rich and famous….”Denounce Putin or do not participate!” lose your job and or worse, soon to come…

Star conductor and close friend of Putin dropped by his management ahead of deadline to speak out or be fired from Munich Philharmonic

Source: Denounce Putin or lose your job: Russian conductor Valery Gergiev given public ultimatum | Valery Gergiev | The Guardian

It will get worse…

The Ruble is more grounded than before the illegal authorizations and thefts against it, the Russian Armed Forces is on a relentless roll against everything the West can manage to throw at it and the sanction backlash are gnawing the West much more than they anticipated….Last yet not least, Russia has not yet applied 1% of their genuine capability at waging war and that scares the heck out of the West…