NATO PANIC is now in full psycho mode…

NATO PANIC, don’t panic, “PANIC NOW”, yeah baby, they are going nuts over the number of US, NATO, UK, French and tidbit of others such as Canadians and such….lots of NATO special forces about to be killed or captured…

I am still asking everyone to ask, “Why?”

Why all the western service men, why all the bio-labs, why all the Nazi scum, why all the lies, why all the death, why is the west involved at all, why does the western people follow mindlessly, why all the money support from the west, why involve the Pope, why all the NATO weapons, why why why?

Because it is far from over, yet the wounds are deep for NATO and cronies and they will slink back to heal and try to do it again. I see about two years now before they try again to destroy the world. I hope for five years, I actually hope Russia finds the head of the snake and cuts it off…

First I would (But truth is it is up to the people of Britain to remove the evil. So doubtful as to we are who we vote for…) cut off the British Evil Head of the EU and start from that….maybe the EU can heal a bit after removing a few USA paid for leaders following the path of darkness…