Russia really was starry-eyed and smitten by the call of the western world…

Russia is on the road to being completely healed and independent of reliance on Western Global Trade and the Western “three-card montes” of a financial system…

I understand that times will get rough and struggles again as in Russia’s past will arise. That is a small price to pay for what could have been Russia’s future with the west. Russia dodged a bullet…

The only thing stopping Russia in the past from going full Eastern for all these years, was their own desire to be included as part of Europe & accepted by the USA as an equal, thus giving up some of their own sovereignty as a gift, for an attempt at achieving that Western good will blessing. It was a real phenomenon and I experienced it myself as I traveled Russia…

Russia really did have a “Western Disillusionment Problem”…

That facet of a fact and or factual desire is off the table now and forever, so there’s nothing left to hold them back. This was the only reason that they would continue to try to embrace the West. It was enough and Russians at the time were like that bluegill going for the shiny hook and worm…

Therefore, it is easy to garner the facts and put together the situation….Russian welcomed the West and tried to be accepted. Russia wanted to join that gang of misfits we call the Empire of Lies, for Russia really was starry-eyed and smitten by the call of the western world…

I thank God, I sincerely thank God, he helped Russia to see the dangers of a western psyops existence…

Now Russia it is time to get the last dredges of society implanted by the west out of your country and keep them out!