My how everyday verifies the Holy War that the EU and USA have embarked upon…

EU wants to sanction Russian Orthodoxy!

They are not done yet on doubling/tripling/quadrupling down on stupid. The Russian Orthodox Church basically is the Greek Orthodox Church (Roman Byzantium) that broke away from the main Greek Orthodox church when the Turks captured Constantinople. The followers of Paul more than Peter…

Everyone ignores that this is a Holy War and yet, they do things like this above and give you reasons, if you are willing to look, about that religion is an issue…

So what will they do next, if we allow them and they do get away with this sacrilege? Will they confiscate Orthodox church property in the west and Church funds next? Will it extend to Greek Orthodox and they do the same?

I would not put that past them. For it seems that nothing maters to these evil scum in the west and they will take what they want. That is what a dying Empire does…

It is a Holy War, you know?

A draft of the EU sanctions note states that “Patriarch Kirill is therefore responsible for supporting or implementing, actions or policies which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, as well as stability and security in Ukraine,” Politico reported. It has been reported that he has called for the spiritual purification of Ukraine. The Patriarch of Moscow and all of Russia will now be listed along with rapists and torturers.

Source: EU sanctions target head of the Russian Orthodox Church – The Week

Still think it is not a Holy War?

Guess Again…