Two tidbits of Russian info, grain and fuel…

Grain harvest this year may be a record in the history of Russia, the grain harvest may reach 130 million tons, of which 87 million are wheat – Putin

Now as far as grain is concerned, Russia has, at least around these parts that I am at, opened up every single field and more. They have planted unbelievable amount of wheat this year and last year. I am amazed at the new hog farms, chicken farms and fields lying fallow are all plowed and green…

Russian is in a farming renaissance, on top the of the huge renaissance that sent it to be the bread basket of the world several years ago…

Russian oil company Lukoil said it was buying Shell Neft, which owns more than 400 Shell gas stations and a lubricant plants in Russia…

Yup they sure did….and Shell was lucky to get anything at all for dumping on Russia, yet Russia has been nice…