I tried a standard WordPress theme and thought it would be safer…

Is that you?

So I thought wrong and found that last night a US based hacker entered the theme by weaknesses inherent in the design….I guess it has been around too long and has too many attempts to alter it?

So I put on a backup theme and got things in order again….just have to get my archive back in order!

Sveta has just had a bunch of issues with her sites and she is getting things fixed now. It has not been an easy thing to keep sites online with all the attacks out of the western world against pro-Russian sites and actually just a Russian site period…

It would be nice to install comments again, but death threats get old after a few hundred threats and comments are the main area of backdoor attacks. After RT tried and is keeping comments going, what they have is pure stupid junk and is a sick comment section. Sputnik did what I suggested and removed their comments completely. Sputnik is a superior site right now to get information from…

Western sites pro-Russian have become comment hell and it has been done on purpose…Trolls galore….so comments stay off to keep sanity under control…

You have to laugh at the stupid stuff being posted in comments right now all over the world. even the so called experts are like, “I wake up and write stupid today!”

Ignorance has been visiting and trying to mess up my website…