Honestly, is this a game that we allow to go on?

Honestly, is this a game that we allow to go on? A US Presidents son, a heavy drug addict, a known pedophile and running illegal activities on behalf of his politician father, whom is the US president. Information that Russia shows, is even coming out that he was instrumental in getting funds for bioweapon labs in Ukraine. It has been made clear that he was paid good money working in Ukraine as a frontrunner…

You really can’t make this stuff up. You could try, but now that the email’s have been released? It’s so over the top, that insane, serious facts and the depraved actions are all true.

It simply boggles the mind and you can’t make this stuff up. People in charge are not supposed to do this stuff. We have to trust them…

Ukraine was the Biden/Obama money washing, drug washing, bio-lab of death, Nazi hotbed, Russian killing and most corruption country of the world and the USA Gov was 100% behind it. Everyone in Gov knows about it, everyone…

Our government must be removed and start over. It must be…

You can’t fix this kind of broken. This broken is evil and just a part of the complete package of sick corruption…