It is the simplest things in life…

I can’t speak for a woman, but for a man the simplest things in life is the core, the base and the reason that makes life worth living…

The issues come when we step away from the basics and try to embrace the areas that we men are not inclined to dwell at. Men are men and to be something else, well that is when we are no longer men. Men are designed one way and designed by God to be that way…

You could say that in the beginning when God made Adam, life was very simple indeed. Heck, Adams big job was to name the animals that God made and to rule over these animals. But, Adam did not find among all these wondrous animals on the plant Earth any one of them that was a match for him personally…

Genesis 2:
20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.
21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh.
22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”
24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Poor Adam…

I read this and realized that Adam was just replaced with a superior human. God thought he was done and saw that Adam, while happy to be a man and name everything as if he was the boss and he was given that job to find a mate it seems….did not find among all the creations by God anything that excited him…

So God went back to the drawing board and took Adams DNA and created a better version of Adam and made her sexy, at least to Adam and thus we have a paradox…

Man finds woman and he is smitten and he leaves family and makes his own and it is all to Gods plan. The woman is the one with the power over life and happiness. Thus, that is why I say Man can only reach heaven through Woman…

It is obvious that God made woman from man, but that is where it ends, He also tweaked the code and made a better copy of man and instead of making two copies, one female and one male of the new code. He simply left the old out of date copy and decided that the new copy of human would do the job?

Heck, what if Adam had fallen in love with a horse? No Eve would have been made!

This all happened within the Garden of Eden and it seems that maybe a bit of visual from the monkeys running around outside the Garden of Eden may have had a huge influence upon the visual look of man as we know us now…

It was obvious that when Cain was kicked out and into the outer areas to be punished, that there was humans and or man as we know him and he did just fine spreading his genetics with the local hairless monkeys…

Genesis 4:15–16:
15 Then the Lord said to him, “Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him. 16 Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod,6 east of Eden.

What a Soap Opera!

The original Soap called as, “The Garden of Eden Turns!”

No I am not nuts…

Adam is a simpleton and wants to live simple and not do anything but protect family, make babies and war when necessary to keep life simple and oh yes, name animals. But God tossed a monkey wench into it all and made woman, a woman named Eve to be exact.It was not until Eve came along that there was any issues and read the bible and you will see. You really think without Eve that Adam would have eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge? Adam was happy and naming animals and plants and bugs and well running around naked and just happy…

It is all rather confusing at times, but it is what we have and we have a simple guy naming animals and he is then faced with a paradox of a creature, made after him and made from him. She was called Woman and ever since Men cannot not live with them, nor live without them. The one creation of God that man did not name…

Adams life was no longer boring that is for sure!

Now why am I saying all this?

There is a basic rule to life, basic order to life, basic reason for life and changing that basic root of life does not lead us to the end of where we are to go and obtain. When we break the order, we are sidestepping our reason for being. We are skirting around why we are here on Earth. Why God made Adam and then made Eve?, is the question and we have to answer that question…

Adam is first, the simplest of the two God made, both mentally and physically. No not weaker, just vastly different and women are without a doubt more complicated in all aspects. Adam is a lessor but much more robust and able to survive under more conditions than Eve. But Eve has different goals and reasons for being. One Adam can impregnate a hundred Eve’s, but Eve can only get impregnated by one Adam at a time and not able for long periods of time during the pregnancy process. It is simplified in its presentation, yet Eve is more valuable than Adam, at least he is less valuable after the population builds to a certain threshold. Therefore, men come and go, but women have to be sacred and protected. This falls upon many in the past as brothers had to take into his family the wife and kids of the brother that died. It is all protection and continuation of the species…

When we make Eve less valuable, as in trying to make her equal to Adam? That is like saying we have to lower the status of Eve to the simplest level. A level that makes Eve non protected and expendable…

We are doing that now in the world. Eve has to be supported by Adam in all she does, but Eve has to keep on track and understand her role in our existence. There lies the quandary…

Now I will end Part 1 and since I have become long winded? I will do a Part 2. My blood sugar is at 3.2 mmol/L and it is hard to concentrate right now. Besides I have laundry, dishes and grass to mow and that means I have to eat…

Part 2 tomorrow…