Lying – Thus we have a predicament of humans…

“It’s true there are lies, but it’s a lie that there is no truth.” – anonymous

We/You don’t have to live like this. It’s a choice to lie…

Thus we have the predicament of humans. We lie and we like to lie and we desire to lie constantly. Even those that say they don’t lie, will lie if needed. Grey lies, white lies, black lies, tiny lies, little lies, big lies, half lies and lies for grandeur of our own thoughts. Then we lie to cover lies and so on and so on…

At one time, lying was seriously punished. Yet, for some reason lying is acceptable now…

We also like to smile, laugh and cover up lies. We do this for kids, adults and countries. How many people have lied to you, and you smile and agree?

It starts young: There stands Bubba, with chocolate icing smeared all over his face and shirt….the cake is everywhere and most of it is on Bubba’s face and in inside him…

When asked about the cake?

He will 99% of the time say, “I didn’t do it!”

Cake smeared all over him, cake on the floor, the dog is licking the floor and Bubba is guilty as charged…

But, 99% of the time we smile and clean Bubba up. Called looking the other way. Bubba learns he can lie!

We are all Bubba!