Since when can beggars be choosy? It seems now they can (Ukraine vs EU)

Kiev so unhappy with the EU…

A beggar on the street corner asked for money last night. I struggled to find some change in my bag. When I finally found some and gave it to him he complained:

“Too slow, too late and definitely not enough. I’m definitely unhappy,” said the Beggar…

🇺🇦❗Kiev the Beggar, is unhappy with the compromised oil embargo against Russia from the 6th package of EU sanctions: More More More…

“If you ask me, I would say far too slow, far too late and definitely not enough,” Ihor Zhovkva, deputy head of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s office, said.

Source: Senior Ukraine official says EU sanctions on Russia still ‘not enough’ | Reuters

Okay? Since when did anyone care what Ukraine says about anything? Interesting that Ukraine seems to think that what they think matters?

Seems we have an issue in the Western world and it isn’t a pretty sight to behold…

Excuse me, I only want $100 bills please, no small change…