Empires hate when you light a fire and desire to see!

It is like a soap opera watching the west…

Some official states a doubt about what is all happening. This is called lighting a fire to see better with. Then crash control starts and they either bury them, censor them and or whatever, like threaten them. The tendrils of doubt want to grow, yet the fire started is used to burn those tendrils as they grow, is still just able to keep up. The keeping up is only within the west itself. For the shoots of truth are well on their way to flowering for the east. The ability to turn the fire upon the rest of the world is being watered down and away…

I believe that the goal now for what is happening to the west is simply to just keep the peasants stupid to reality. I am not sure of the reason for this yet? Yet as statements are made about the isolation of the west, the responses to squelch those statements are chaotic but abundant at best. But the western people are for the most part brain dead to the real world, anyway. Thus they blunder aimlessly, until it is too late. There needs to be a whole bunch of fires lit and a whole bunch of light from those fires to push away the darkness that has enveloped the Empire of Chaos…

There are two ways to control people…

Fear or Support!

You either make them fear you and or you support them in their endeavors of life. This is especially true with countries, governments and corporations…

Fear as a way to control is a short term and effective way to get things done. Sometimes fear is all a few know and only respond to. yet, support is a long term system that means you talk the talk and walk the walk. Fear means you walk over all in front of you and don’t talk, it is all that simple…

I can tell you that one way leads to death and the other way leads to nourishment…

As an Empire, any Empire dies, it smashes and as an Empire grows, any Empire grows, it nourishes…

Fear of dying drives fear usage to survive. Yet, if the use of support would have been embraced and stayed on the long term commitment, it would work out. Empires do not have to die, benevolent Empires can rule forever. They just have to expand their abilities and place the situation with the means. Then they can “roll with the tide” as we say…

Yet power begets power and those in power cannot fathom losing that power and they panic…

Thus Empires and that is all Empires die, to be replaced with a new Empire that supports the people…

Now the Empire of Lies and Chaos has become so scared and fearful of even itself, that they have taken to putting out even the fires that their own people try to light…

Fires are lit to see better by when darkness overcomes us. Thus, the soap opera, As the Empire Turns, keeps the cameras rolling as it smashes the fires!

Empires hate when you light a fire and desire to see!