They were comfortable with each other. They were friends…

Yes it is a movie and it is an interesting concept…

This morning at 2:30 a.m., just as the world was getting lighter and lighter, to allow me to see with some clarity. I was sipping my morning cup of coffee just standing in the road. I heard a noise, or should I say several noises? I stood very still on the road next to Nikolai’s Home and listened. My brain said kitty and we have plenty and they like to sneak around…

Then from the opposite side of the home area, a big hound dog, whom has been wandering for the last few months as a stray, trotted through and down the driveway. This is a very large dog…

My eyes were focused upon the dog and in my peripheral vision I saw a shadow moving…

Very dark, almost bordering upon black in the light that was available, a fox was scurrying to keep up. The fox it seems had stopped to smell something and the hound dog was long legged moving at a good pace. I stood and watched…

The fox accelerated and caught up with the dog. The dog looked down at the fox as they kept moving down the hill on the road after exciting the driveway. I could see this was a normal path for them. And the fox settled in at the dogs pace to the dogs left side. Oh for a camera…

Down the hill they went like two silent breaths of air. They literally glided and it was interesting to see the easy lope of the big dog and the fast moving legs of the fox to keep up. The fox I realized was a deep dark chocolate brown color. The dog was German Shepard multi colors of brown, black, whites and tans…

I stayed put and did not move and watched. They got to the bottom of the hill and stopped and turned. They both looked at me, they knew I was there, probably smelled me more than saw me. It was a hundred meters or so and they tried to see friend or foe?

Then the fox pushed his head against the side of the hound dog and the hound dog looked down at the fox and they turned and took the road to the cemetery in the woods down below. They stopped once more at the crest of the hill and after one last look at my way, they disappeared from sight…

I kicked back the last dredges of my now cold coffee in my cup I held. Waste not want not!

And surmised…

They were friends. At least friends of convenience and friends of necessity. The fox ran at the dogs side, almost touching the dog. They were comfortable with each other…

They were friends…