Who’s First? Who’s Second? Who’s Third? Shuffle them labels?

For so long we have heard nothing but 1st World and 3rd World. Our world according to the West is they are 1st World and everyone else is 3rd World and or developing 3rd World…

Yet, it was Alfred Sauvy whom seems to have given the terms there lasting acceptance and he acknowledged a 2nd world. It seems that since the CCCP fell so did the use of, “2nd World”…

The Three Worlds, or the Division of Social Scientific Labor, Circa 1950-1975 – Carl E. Pletsch – is a link to an article to tie all this together and support the western desire to be 1st World…

Since we have seemingly embraced the “Cold War Mentality” again? I suspect that it is time to change the labeling of countries the term “Second World”, has been excluded from usage – but this time it should be applied it to the USA and Europe (EU) and or Western Empire of Lies…

Personally, no labels should be applied at all, yet knowing the desires of the West (We are #1), we must set labels now to put things in perspective appropriately…

The New CCCP (USSR or Soviet Union) is the USA and the EU. They have embraced the desires they fought many years ago and not even the good parts of the old Soviet, just the parts that they desire to use against their people…

But that is not what this is about. This article is about putting labels where they belong. 1st World no longer, as it has been no longer associated with the USA and EU for many years. But they continued to use it, as if they ruled the world!

What we have claimed to be? Is no longer what is! Was it ever viable in the first place?

First step is to put the USA and EU as 2nd World countries. Maybe that is a bit late in the game to apply that label? For at the rate they are falling? Maybe, 3rd World would fit better and or “Banana Republics” would fit also…

Let us just put it like this: 1st World was Western countries, 2nd World the Soviet Union and 3rd World everyone else. Then in the western mindset, the world became only 1st and 3rd World after the Soviet collapse…

That above statement is in very simplified form and is accurate enough for the mindset of the Empire of Chaos and Lies!

So using what I see as Alfred Sauvy’s ideas: (Just as they was used in the past.)

China is now 1st World. Russia is still 2nd World. The USA and EU or as they claim, The Western World is now at best relegated to 2nd World status. The 3rd World or Developing World will soon have new members. The USA for one is trying its best to join that fan-club of labels developed for countries like Zimbabwe…

So the prediction for the long run:

The East is becoming 1st World, The West is becoming 3rd World and Russia is always and has always been happy right in the middle and just leave her alone. Russia and whom she gathers back into her folds and arms will stay 2nd World…

The future cannot be predicted, it can be altered and manipulated to some extent, but we don’t have the ability to predict the future. I just base this idea of mine on what is happening and what I see as facts. This change of labels has happened, we just have not allowed ourselves to embrace this change…

China is so far advanced in 90% of everything that the USA and EU look like children who throw all the sand out of their sandbox and sit in the mud crying for more sand. Except the sand is being used at the new playgrounds and new constructions going on. China is now 1st World…

Russia has shown the power of the label 2nd World and that is akin to the intelligent bouncer at the door at the fancy restaurant and no rift raft allowed. Russia is respected and smart, but has no desire to be the King of the world. Russia likes to sleep in its Bear Den and be left alone and raise its children to have morals and intelligence…

The USA and EU are the ones standing with bribe money that they printed at home, little pieces of paper and want to buy their way in and or fight their way in. They are thugs. Thugs are 3rd World in my book…

Get ready western world! The roller coaster is a wild one…

I believe I may expand upon this thinking later as I study it more. This is a serious issue and has repercussions way beyond the simplification that I have given it. Yet, we have to start somewhere in our thoughts and this is what I have in my mind…