Mythomania of the Western Empire- learned a new word…

The Western Empire of Lies and Chaos is an interesting subject to study. Like all the empires before it? It follows classic lines of progression. From start to its ending, an Empire like a human individual follows the rules of life. These rules are not able to be broken and apply regardless of the desire to be a god…

We are just human after all…

Definition of mythomania : an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating. Being a mythomaniac referrers to someone who was obsessed with or passionate about myths before it was applied to individuals affected with or exhibiting mythomania.

Interestingly this term applies to what we are watching unfold in front of us in real time these days…

It is a myth within the minds of whomever is behind the desire that the Western Empire of Lies is and is capable of applying its desires to shape the world in is demented ideas and image of what this world should be..

A world that is envisioned by the West is a world that has no future. The desire to see the myth within the mindset of the west become reality. Is akin exactly as in the human male who says that he is a female so that he can win at sports and or play in women’s restrooms. This mindset has no future to allow us to becoming proper humans for growth and enlightenment…

When you think that you can be what you are not and that is that, at society levels? Then you get something as stupid and degrading to humanity as men can get pregnant and breast feed and we put tampon dispensers in men’s restrooms. Oh My!

Yet, I do know that it would be a good thing to have tampons if someone decides to poke a hole in your body with a bullet. Good to stop the bleeding of a major trauma wound by gunshot. I dunno another reason to have tampons in a men’s room?

Are we that messed up that we cannot tell a woman from a man? When did we want to be what we are not? Psycho Social misfits is what we are…

What we are watching is not just a few humans who have a border dispute. This is more than male hormones in a rage. What we are experiencing is something and or someones desire to reshape the world in what it or they think that the world should be and damned if they care what you think about it…

If this was just about power, money and control? It would be easy to solve…

But this is about something deeper and the ones performing the services of degradation upon our planet are sold souls. They have no abilities to see beyond their gods of greed, money, immorality, slothfulness and materialism. These are that which is used to control the performing ones…

This is about the future of the world and whether you are able to be free and have a life that God gave us the ability to have. This is about right and wrong. It is about safe or danger. It is about life or death. It is about being a free human or a tied down slave…

Sometimes the simpler things are, the harder that it is for us to grasp and comprehend about what is going on…

I just know that I am watching a Astral Echelon form of confrontation and how it comes out is how we Humans spend the rest of our lives and many generations of our offspring’s lives…

We will be Human and free or we will be thralls…

It is that simple and will be no matter what you think is and who is behind all this…

It is a myth of proportion of exaggerated levels of false beliefs, ideas and ostensibly accepted by all involved as truth of the lies…