For whom is confused? The Ukraine situation is in fact already a World War & the sides are forming as you mentally sleep with your head in the sand…

It is interesting that us in the western world, the ones born and living in the western world, have the ability to stop this war. And yes, if Russia declares war? That is when it gets nasty…

The internet is full of information and all you have to do is to be awake and willing to see. See things without that shroud over your eyes and in many cases just simply lift you eye lids and look around…

~~ Hard to do I know! ~~

So, facts are all there and the key is only if the Western Empire of Lies and Chaos backs down…

The one thing that no one seems to get, is that the East is being nice right now. They do not want a destruction of the world as we know it, they just want to change the crap that has flowered under the care of a sick and immoral society, called the West…

It is amazing to hear the people spout about the west. They really think that they live in the bastion of freedom and they really think that they have such a monopoly over the rest of the world. Yet it is that very bastion of freedom that is the actual prison of its inhabitants…

I don’t need to write a million words on what is going on and I don’t need to come up with some wild tale about why it is all happening because of one man or one group and or one incident. I don’t need to blame Biden, Trump and or a thousand others. Why, we cannot even blame the Jews…

I have already written a million words on what is happening right here on this website and it is what it is and it is being proven why I have been writing and talking about what is happening for almost fifteen years. Right on this website, everyday, non-stop. Fifteen years people. I have been expressing tidbits of info, info that leads us to what is happening today…

But you do blame everything and everyone. Why? Because you want to blame something and anything, except yourself and all like you, around you everyday. It is the, I talk the talk, but never walk the walk, syndrome…

In the west, we have had the saying of never bite the hand that feeds you, be used against us and we don’t want to have Hollywood quit making movies. ~~ Like that is real life? Huh?

But it truly is what the western world has become. A Hollywood movie and we all like a good movie? Right?

I like a good movie and I stress, “Good Movie”, because Hollywood has lost that ability to produce a good movie. Movies are and actually have been nothing but another form of propaganda to control the masses and the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. That is an issue and we seem to not have the ability as humans to easily do that anymore…

You see!

I want to blame Lucifer and or what is the same as this entity destroying us!

Yet, that is a simplification for my own brain to accept what is going on…

What is going on is above our Pay Grade!

Earth 2022; We are watching in real-time and it is above our pay grade…

I have not been shown at any point that what I say has been wrong. You can twist it and manipulate it in your mind all you want, but we are just the pawns in what is happening. Pawns can change the outcome of anything, that is why they are pawns. pawns are used, yet plentiful. If pawns decided to change direction?

Therefore, like any good pawns consumers? We are in control and it is our lives and our money and our resources that are being squandered as we follow the pretty lights of Broadway and embrace the immoral life that has surrounded us. It is the easy path and humans always and I mean almost always follow the path of least resistance…

Just like a moth to the flame…

I have a question I ask myself!

Would I die for my country or would I die for the world?

For me it is simple and is based upon basic needs for continuation of life upon our planet…

I believe that the world is much more important than one country and when we are faced with world wide altercations of our existence? The world has to be the priority…

The World “IS”!

A country “is” but a small part of the “World” and all the parts and or countries must mesh and work together, for us to be above what we seem to embrace within our limited abilities to comprehend…

God Shuffled His Feet!

I appreciate this video and the message that has been sent…

Oh how so human and so what we are…

It is a World War People and Wake You Must!