The West is talking and talking about rebuilding Ukraine, yet Russia doesn’t talk, it rebuilds, and right now!

I talk about talking the talk and walking the walk. All the time I mention this very important part of life…

Therefore, 🏗 Meanwhile, a full-scale construction project has been launched in Mariupol by specialists from the Russian Defence Ministry’s Military Construction Complex…

🏫 A new residential area, a medical centre and schools will appear in the city by autumn…


Russia is rebuilding Ukraine now, not later…

Called talking the talk and walking the walk. Do what you say and mean what you do…

An issue in the west, as they lie to you, is they talk and talk, yet never walk. The west talks a big game and Russia just does it. No game in Russian minds…

What Russia takes from Ukraine, will never go back to Ukraine or the west. Everyday Ukraine gets smaller…