Libya is the straw that broke the Camels Back…

Yet so many straws before Libya should have, could have…

Many will nitpick and say that this all should have started with Libya? I agree, but Russia and China were not ready yet and that is another tidbit that has to be embraced. Yet, fact is Libya was the straw that broke the camels back…

Source: Three very noteworthy tidbits of Info that you should focus upon… – Windows to Russia – Окна в Россию

Of the many straws that could have broke the camels back and there were many of them. Libya was the one straw that when it was placed upon the camels back, it started the downfall acceleration of the west. The camel stayed steady until that moment, if not obviously overloaded, yet still stable…

I supported Qaddafi, he was the unifying strongman that created a Libya that had risen high above the rest of Africa. Perfect was not the issue for Libya, what worked was the issue. Libya is a thousand tribes and all these tribes whom have no ability to see life farther than the nose on their face, are perfect for stirring trouble and destroying itself with help and that help came from the USA/NATO…

Was Qaddafi a saint?

Well compared to the Western Empire of lies and Chaos?

Qaddafi was a saint and a damn good leader. A leader whom dealt with tribes of bloodthirsty characters and did what had to be done to consolidate and control these tribes…

We all know what happened and we all know what Libya is like today. Libya was set back from the star of Africa to the cesspit of Africa by the West and that is what the west wanted…

What the Western Empire did to Libya went even beyond the norm for the Empire and set the stage for the future. The Syrian incident that followed showed the world what the true plans of the Empire was doing. Thus the world started to get ready. The canary in the coal mine had fallen over dead with Libya and or that straw was bending the camels back and the owner was too stupid to stop tossing straws upon its back…

Svetochka has had to watch for many years as she has heard me talk about changes in things and that those things will go bad. I am in tune to what I use as tools. Everything around us is a tool and Libya was a tool being used by the West. Badly used by the west, but still a tool…

I hear a change in the engine of a car and or the sound of the electric mower that I am using. I always say, “What the hell now?” Sveta cannot hear it. Most people do not hear it. Or better yet people ignore the change in tone of the engine and keep driving it until it drops…

Like the horse you beat to make it go faster and it starts stumbling slightly. Soon as you beat it? The horse falls over dead…

Libya was that horse and I heard the future when that horse fell over dead. Libya would be a failed state, full of human slavery again. Ripe plucking for a vulturous western world…

As we all see and or as all whom care to see: Libya has become that exactly as I fought against on this website and I was told many times at that era, that I was a fool. Libya was needing help to remove Qaddafi, because? Well he was evil and all along the evil was the Western Empire of Lies and Chaos. It is clear as a bell now, but most fell for it and the ones who saw it as it was? Could do nothing about it at the time…

I got upset with Medvedev, who was president of Russia at the time and I wanted Russia to help. I wanted the Libyan people to wake up. I wanted…. and found that no one was ready and or no one cared enough to correct the situation. Yet, it is the straw that overloaded the camel…

I watched the camel stagger when the Libyan straw was added to the Empires conquests…

Yet, no one paid attention and off to Syria went the Empire, to try another Qaddafi on it. By then Russia had learned and was getting ready. When it became unbearable in Syria and the Empire was terrorizing Syria to the max? Russia stepped in…

Things started to turn around and are getting better…

You must focus upon what happened. The camel staggered with Libya and staggered even more with Syria. The Empire even had to drop Afghanistan cold turkey and look the fool to gather enough resources to keep the Ukraine fiasco going. The camel was overloaded and beaten so much that the Empire is now whipping everything in its path and that is pissing everyone off…

The Empire cannot remove those straws once they add them to the camels back. Afghanistan is still there, North Korea is grinning, Vietnam is right there smiling at the Empire, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, China, Mexico, and well huge parts of South America and Asia and Middle East, all are upon that camels back right now…

I saw this staggering and I have no doubt that Russia saw it at the time. The ole, give rope to hang themselves strategy. It was working and a belligerent, self-rhetoric believing Empire, whom thought of themselves as gods upon earth was terrorizing everything as they skipped along happily, while the East was getting ready…

Libya was that straw among millions of straws that set everything into full motion and the realization that the Empire of Lies and Chaos desired to subjugate the world…

The brutally displayed and laughed about murdering of Qaddafi and Libya by the admin of the west, was to much….something had to be done?

All you have to do is listen:

All around you everyday are signs. The bird trills and you realize that is a warning that a kitty is in the yard. The engine of your car misses a beat. Pain in you shoulder that never was there before. Black clouds upon the horizon. So on and so on…

When the straw that was Libya was added to the camels back, the Empire of Lies and Chaos shuddered and ignored the fact that they had done something incomprehensible and so immoral that they had stepped over the Rubicon. Their hubris carried them across that river and preconceived invincibility drove them onward like madmen riding into the storm front…

They had a moment of panic and tried to remove the straw called Afghanistan. Yet, that straw is still there and will be forever right beside Libya and Vietnam and many others. The time to backtrack and make amends is gone many years ago…

Damn straws add up in weight and even the strongest among us, will falter and fall when too many straws are piled upon the camels back…