Wannabes then and now: Both suck as a mindset, yet one knows limitations and one knows no limitations…

When I grew up in the 50s and 60s the Masters, the desired ones to be god of the universe, had been basically realists. They knew that they had limits to their power. They still had some sanity within them and morals and some conscience. They knew that over stepping certain boundaries would cause their power to end and while these certain past charlatans were pathetic…

They are not able to hold a candle to the crop of charlatan born demons, nowadays…

The modern-day crop of puppets have been raised on free-market lies and US exceptionalism and US is god, they comprehend nothing else, and so they without a doubt accept as truth, verbatim, that the march of the devil is the path to righteousness…

It was always a hard world, however it used to be, by no means this messy. They lurch from disaster to disaster, death to death, chaos to chaos, lie to lie, manipulation to manipulation on an each and everyday basis, and they create every crisis. Literally create crises with which to satisfy some inner desire of theirs…

Something wicked has embedded itself within the USA…

It is all about the mindset: A conservative god wannabe mindset VS a Liberal god wannabe mindset…

Both suck as a mindset, yet one knows basic limitations and one lives in unbridled fantasy…

Oh Well!