When your basket holds only one ideology and the neighbors hold multiple ideologies? Who has the wherewithal to get what needs to be done, done?

That basket we all carry and we all carry them. Has been around a long time. Be they real baskets and or be they baskets of ideas and thoughts…

Ideology is defined as: a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture. – Even in the case of a whole country as we see in the “Cancel Russia Western Culture”…

The West has all its eggs in one basket. Maybe they were so intent upon Russia’s destruction that they lost sight of multiplicity in their basket, but they did put all the eggs in one basket. Now that basket has had all the eggs broken, as they beat the “Hate Russia” ideology to death…

The West has no backup plan to speak of and all they can do is, “Keep beating a dead horse”. The horse is dead and you beat it to keep it going. Now why do you beat the horse still? Are you stupid? Or maybe, you have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and your future scares you? Okay, beat the damn horse, it is dead and doesn’t care at this point…

Therefore Western Empire of Lies and Chaos, that basket of broken “I Hate Russia” eggs is worthless and will not feed anyone at this point. The horse is dead! As you beat it? It won’t get back up and carry you farther…

If it is any consolation, you can grab the basket, clean it up and use it still? Unless, like so much we do nowadays and make it like out of paper and it soaked up all the broken eggs gunk?

That means to admit you were wrong and that you messed up as you hated everything around you and most off all used and abused the “Hate Russia” ideology. Those eggs that broke, all have Hate Russia on them and somewhere you forgot to add a few other ideologies to round out the mess you made…

I see that the basket had held eggs that said…

Hate Russia – Trump, Hate Russia – Oil, Hate Russia – YOU, Hate Russia – Me, Hate Russia – Orthodox, Hate Russia – Gaz, Hate Russia, Hate Russia – China, Hate Russia – Iran, Hate Russia – NK, Hate Russia – Election, Hate Russia – World Domination, Hate Russia – Afghanistan, Hate Russia – ________ (Just fill in the blank!) You can literally put anything and or any word after, Hate Russia…

Talk about, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? The Empire of Lies and chaos is a textbook example…

The shift toward “Hate China” is nothing but an reaction to “Hate Russia”, even the eggs that did not break in the basket still have written on them, “Hate Russia, Kill Russia and then Kill China!”

My suggestion western Empire of Lies and Chaos:

Clean up the mess you made, apologize for being stupid, eat some humble pie and join the real world to ease the collapse of your world, as you tried to manipulate it…

Do it before it is too late. Yet, the trust, respect and morals you lost will take many many years to heal personally and erase from the minds of all you bullied…