I call it summers last hurrah in TRV…

Then after a few days of the warmest temps we have had yet the whole summer? Summer goes quickly away and winter smacks autumn around and autumn finds itself lost. All seasons are so short except winter…

It is also time that my SweetPea is getting ready to come to make me come home to Moscow. She has been very busy at her bank with her servers. New servers, breaking old servers and grouchy servers and and and. Besides, my days in TRV are running out also, just like summer’s days are gone. I have been so busy that time has more than flown. I will be very glad to see my SweetPea…

Yesterday, I spent five hours rebuilding the fuel system on Sammy the Volga…

Fuel systems on old cars are always a problem. Like everything else? Stuff that has been working since birth? Starts wearing out. Sammy is 23 years old and the fuel system was the original. Kinda had already exceeded its life span and was copper from beginning to end, well except the million patched spots! Okay, only half a million patched spots… 😉

Therefore, I disconnected from point A to Point B, or from one end of the car to the other and did the best I could with what I could buy in the Big Village. Not a bunch of choice to use, but I cut a million patches to just a few. You do what you gotta do when you are in the boonies…

Next year after I gather the new lines and by that I mean, I will convert completely from Point A to Point B with Nylon fuel lines and connections associated with such lines. It is time to upgrade in that area. I do believe?

I would say twenty plus years out of a copper fuel system is good enough to say it did its job and besides, always good to have copper around for other things…

It was interesting yesterday:

Speaking of fuel lines. I rolled out from under the car covered in dirt and lay on my back in a wonderful soft bed of clover. Then as I looked at the crystal clear blue sky something caught my attention…

A military jet, in my case, a Russian MIG was moving across the sky and it was hauling ass. I mean, if I was not at the right place at the right time and that means laying on my back in a bed of wonderful clover. I would have never seen the jet…

Then, I waited. For my eyes had seen the tale tale signs of how fast it was going. It sent my adrenaline surging in my system…

Jet was gone and I laid there like a kid. A kid who grew up in the era of common with fast military jets everywhere and knew what was coming. Then, when the sky was clear and only swallows dancing in the breeze, Kaboom…

I laid there and memories flowed. I knew that this summer that we had what sounded like someone dynamiting all the time and the other day, I realized that I had been seeing jets flying so fast that they were many times a blink of the eye. I finally in my old age realized that sonic booms had come back to visit me…

This was a serious shock wave. My little baby birds all over the place all became quiet and you could hear a pin drop…

I said out loud, as if anything cared? Don’t worry, it is just one big badass bird and it is on its way to do what birds do best, drop poop on heads…

That seemed to be acceptable to my little ones in the yard and they agreed that birds are good at that and went back to squabbling and eating bugs. They really are good little guys…

So I took a break and laid there next to the car. I was almost done with the fuel line and it was time to start the car and check for leaks. But, I decided to daydream a second, for the leaks were not going anywhere and…

I remembered a summer day, crystal clear, I saw an USA Air Force jet screaming across the sky. I was little and did not know what was coming next. This jet was very low to the ground. Our farm was out far from the main population areas and in those days, things were definable not as regulated as today…

I remember when the shock wave hit? I really though that our farm had blown up…

I even got up and ran in crazy circles and freaked out. I was tiny, but ended up loving sonic booms…

This time at this ripe old age?

I just laid there and smiled…

What a boom!

It is interesting. I looked around yesterday and realized that I did not see a single mosquito. That drew my attention to the fact that I only heard a few horsefly’s and they were not too caring about eating me. Then I noticed the hornets were everywhere. That is what verified my realization that summer was definitely over. I worked away under the car and the swallows were thick in the air getting their wings stretched to fly south. Duck season is about over. The Fish Farm is starting the shut down processes. Slow Russian life is starting to get slower…

I call it summers last hurrah in TRV…