It really is just amazing: The Agenda Crises of the Western Empire…

I never thought that what we are watching in the world would come about within our times. The biggest issue is that the Western World is so hidden under agenda propaganda, that its people living there, for the most part are what we call, “Out in left field!” Totally staring at the pretty clouds floating by as the ballgame goes on…

And, the ballgame is really going on. I mean, the teams have changed in a blink of the eye and there is still “The West” in left field, staring at the clouds and thinking that everyone is cheering for it…

The situation is so complicated and at the same time so simple, that somehow everything got half-ass backwards and reality became a serious deficit, while fantasy became abundant. This seems to be a reaction by the masses when reality overwhelms all else around it?

The West is having an agenda crises…

There are so many agendas and these agendas have taken on a life of their own. It is a war of agendas within the Western System…

The agenda to destroy Russia. The agenda to destroy China. The agenda to destroy Iran. The agenda to rule the world. The agenda of Covid-19. The agenda of Monkey pox. The agenda of Electric Vehicles. The agenda of abortion. The agenda of smoking pot. The agenda of propaganda. The agenda of war. The agenda of power. The agenda of control. The agenda to subjugate Europe. The agenda to implement green energy at all cost. The agenda of Literally any and all agendas you can think of have come forward and are all fighting each other for its share of the Satanic Pie. There is no order and reality to the “agendas” within the Western Empire of Lies and Chaos…

Why the West is nothing but, “The agenda of the agenda!” a million times over…

Sometimes it looks like Baskin-Robbins flavor of the day, instead of the month. And the flavor is picked by a new monkey everyday. The new flavor has a bunch of “bananas” within that republic…

Agenda? Its what rules you…