Financial Times: The United States will not be able to help Europe survive the winter (Surprise Surprise Surprise)…

What? Really? Who would have thought that the USA even could have helped?

Thus, US producers of shale gas and oil will not be able to increase the supply of energy resources to the European Union this winter, wrote the Financial Times. A shill publication for the USA government…

“The United States cannot produce more. There will be no help. Neither from gas producers, nor from oil producers,” says Wil Van Lo, head of investment firm Quantum Energy Partners, according to the economic publication.

The article also expresses that USA shale companies have actually increased energy exports to Europe, but now these volumes have almost reached their peak and are nowhere even close to enough fuel to even make a difference…

My question is, “How could anyone even have thought that the USA could and would help Europe in energy?”

Just a continuation of the self inflicted suicide by the EU, with its best buddy the USA, helping knot the noose…