Kadyrov about a, “Greetings from New York” bomb…

I have repeatedly said that during the NMD, in addition to Ukrainian nationalists, our units actively oppose foreign mercenaries from NATO countries.

These frames show a quadrocopter shot down by Chechen fighters, which was used to attack our positions. Its combat charge is signed with the words: “Greetings from New York.” The bastards, apparently, were sure that it would definitely detonate, and we would not see this signature, but they were wrong.

For such cases in the Russian language there is a very eloquent expression that says: “What is the greeting, such is the answer.” I assure you, our answer will not be long in coming, and it will certainly teach you friendliness and the right tone. But in this life, this will not help you in any way, and in hell everyone will not give a damn about your friendliness.



The USA is very deeply involved in this war. Wake up people…