That fleeting moment a huge Sea Turtle came up for a breath of air 5 meters away from me…

It looked like this, but of course I did not have a camera and it was huge in size…

It was a moment so fast, so unexpected and so beautiful. A Sea Turtle graced my presence while I swam in Turkey.

Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta) and other as we check out beach on Turkey…

I was so excited, my Sweetpea was turned the wrong way, I saw it surface and out of a hundred people at the beach, no one else saw it. It swam under the surface except for a split second and we all never realized a Turtle danced around us. You then have to ask yourself, “How many more Turtles are swimming as we swim?”

Hopefully a bunch more, for these are amazing creatures and I will forever have that brief fleeting brain shot image from my eyes of a Loggerhead Turtle surfacing within the waves and going back under. So fast and yet so beautiful…

Thank you God for that moment. I do wish my Sweetpea could have seen it!