China and Iran will become sanction “Queens” sooner than later…

The Russian government should foster a patient and very much arranged methodology so that its populace knows about the penances they should make in facing the US, EU and NATO. No less a reason that it will take many years and much effort. If Russia is to survive intact and the west dismantled? The people in Russia have a need to know…

Then again, conclusions with the Worldwide South called East should cement together over the long run, basically to keep most nations from falling into the swirling USA whirlpool, which the US is right now circling the drain of death, and the south will start feeling a sense of urgency to endorse Russia financially. Consequently, unification inside the Eastern world is expected, as well as scaffolds of correspondence and fortitude towards the outside, such as Iran and China…

Both whom now are being sanctioned, upon which will become a rival to Russia’s title “King of record sanctions”…