Kadyrov on Bill about propaganda of non-traditional values…

I believe that a package of bills to ban the propaganda of non-traditional values ​​should have been submitted to the State Duma even earlier, but better late than never. I express my gratitude to the initiators of such a necessary undertaking.

I fully support every line of this package. Finally, we will not leave the vile propaganda of the LGBT community any chance to spoil our society. And the amount of fines can be safely raised even higher. We are responsible for our children, so they must grow up in an environment where there is not a single hint of such a disgusting infection. Every day our state follows the path of spiritual and social recovery, and the ban on LGBT propaganda is an important, necessary and useful step for every family, and, therefore, for the state.

I consider it an honor to live in a state where there is a father and mother, a boy and a girl, where literature, cinema and advertising will tell about normal relations in healthy and strong families, in which the man is the protector and support of the family, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth and loving mother.

For such a state, laws and values, as well as for such a leader, I am ready to fight in any field to the last drop of blood! I look forward to the adoption of the law and its entry into force!
Allahu Akbar!