Been just too busy!

Deeply involved in rebuilding desktops and laptops…

Finding the sweet spot for each computer with whatever RAM, drives and OS. Since Svetochka has become permanently working from home, due to King Corona, computers and the original purpose has shifted drastically…

My Maibenben Laptop…

Maibenben Laptops (XiaoMai 6Pro-E5100)

Became a permanent Linux Workstation for Svetochka and her work…

It is always update and update…

Well that was slicker than counting to 7, err I mean to 11 (Windows 7 to 11 updating!)

Windows 11 is definitely a Keeper…

So again and again I am spending days messing with getting things up to date and stable. Nothing in the computer world stays stable it seems?

Built a new powerhouse (for us at least) of a computer recently…

Putting together a new desktop computer. (Sweetpea and I project!)

Also have put together a laptop that is looking like it will make the Maibenben look slow in comparison. Maybe I will talk about that laptop later? It has been interesting to get tamed…

And always hardening the systems against the constant attacks that we are under from the West…

Yes we are internet/phone safe and just barely in time, thoughts also…

It really gets old being under constant attacks and so many IP are blocked by us from the West. I bet half the western world is not able to see to us anymore?

Very very nasty cyber crap coming out of the USA and the UK!

Hurt this morning, fell last night on the ice storm that we are being slammed with. Fell twice to be exact and this morning I am really sore…

Oh well!

Back to computers and then off to walk and fall again and again and again…