Really a Damn Good Question! (M.V. Zakharova asks all about, Keystone Pipeline 2 Spill?)

About the Keystone Pipeline 2 spill

Latest news from the world of ecology:
– Greenpeace welcomes the introduction of a cryptocurrency transparency bill.
– More than 3,500 people gathered to join the Great March for Life, which began at 13:00 at the Mont Royal statue, despite the bitter cold.
– Polls show: 88% of respondents believe that the whole of society should work together to focus on biodiversity issues.
– The St. Louis region has the potential to become a global hub for no-soil farming innovation thanks to the collaborative efforts of dozens of experts over the past two years.
– The Farmer Business Community and the Environmental Defense Fund announce a significant expansion of their regenerative farming operations.

Where, Totoshka, is the news about our beloved Kansas and the Keystone Pipeline oil spill?

О разливе нефтепровода Keystone Pipeline 2

Последние новости из мира экологии:
– Гринпис приветствует введение законопроекта о прозрачности криптовалют.
– Более 3500 человек собрались, чтобы присоединиться к Великому маршу за жизнь, который начался в 13:00 у статуи Мон-Руаяль, несмотря на сильный мороз.
– Опросы показывают: 88% респондентов уверены, что всё общество должно работать вместе, чтобы сосредоточиться на проблемах биоразнообразия.
– Регион Сент-Луиса может стать мировым центром инноваций в области беспочвенного земледелия благодаря совместным усилиям десятков экспертов за последние два года.
– Деловое сообщество фермеров и Фонд защиты окружающей среды объявляют о значительном расширении операционных направлений регенеративного земледелия.

Где же, Тотошка, новости о нашем любимом Канзасе и разливе нефти из нефтепровода Keystone Pipeline?

Have you heard of the US-Canadian Keystone Pipeline? Not? And what about the fact that one of the biggest environmental disasters of the decade has recently occurred on the border of the US states of Kansas and Nebraska? It’s probably the first time you’ve read it.

I’m telling.

In the very center of the American continent, literally rivers of crude oil flow right through farms and local reservoirs due to a spill, but the media report this in extremely dosed.

Because it is unprofitable, because the green agenda, and how can such a catastrophe happen under Democrats, known for their environmental bias? But maybe.

Rare footage, which nevertheless sometimes breaks through in the media, shows how polluted the territories of Kansas and Nebraska are. The Canadian media is not far behind. They keep silent about the spill, but if they do report it, they casually and reluctantly admit that this is “the largest oil pipeline breakthrough in its history.” We are talking about the pollution of the territory by tens of thousands of barrels of oil. But nothing seems to have happened in the media space. Where are the “revealing” articles on CNN like the ones they print when they talk about incidents in other countries?

Ecology – ecology, and politics according to the schedule.

By the way, large environmental NGOs and their affiliates in the US and Canada (Greenpeace USA, Greenpeace Canada, Nature Conservancy Canada, WWF, EDF, EICES, FFI, Global Green, IUCN, Birdlife International) are also silent.


Well well finally Reuters in the back pages says something…

Cleanup of the biggest U.S. oil spill in nearly a decade will take at least weeks more, local officials in Kansas said on Tuesday, citing a recent meeting with Keystone pipeline owner TC Energy Corp .

Source: Keystone oil spill cleanup expected to last weeks -officials | Reuters

This spill is huge people and it is basically being ignored for the most part…

Except where are the environmentalist?