Russian companies drilled more oil wells in 2022 than in the past decade…

International Sanctions and the withdrawal of major Western firms have had the west spouting about hurting Russia. Except, it is the West hurting…

In fact as the West goes Duh! The opposite has happened (again)…

Drill Baby Drill…

This explains how the country’s (Russian) oil production recovered in the second half of 2022, even despite the introduction of additional restrictions on its exports, “Bloomberg” is acting surprised and amazed that the world seems to go onward as the West shoots itself in the foot time and time again…

But but but? – Major Western companies, including BP, Shell and Exxon Mobil, have all abandoned multi-billion-dollar investments in the Russia and have suffered huge losses because of their actions…

However, Russian oil rigs drilled more than 28,000 km last year, the highest figure in more than a decade, according to reliable industry data…

The data shows that the total number of wells started rose almost 7% to over 7,800, with most of the key oil companies outperforming the previous year…

All without western money!
