Russian Bloggers grow up. You are at war. And do what I do. No ads, no nothing and no sponsers…

Colleagues from Rybar channel @rybar talked about the campaign that Ukrainian media technologists are using to discredit Russian bloggers. The technology is quite simple, but this does not prevent media personalities from consistently getting hooked.

Under the false name of a certain authoritative person or well-known company, it is proposed to conduct an advertising campaign. Some time after the agreed publication (photo and link in the post), it is revealed that the promoted brands support the Armed Forces of Ukraine .

Perhaps it was in this way that Valeria Rytvina, head of the Council of Bloggers, was framed the other day. A scandal erupted on the Web: information appeared that Russian bloggers were advertising the Ukrainian clothing brand Stoneedge , which sells merchandise of neo-Nazi groups and transfers funds to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Previously, it was called SvaStone Perun Company , but only the name has changed – the essence remains the same.

🔻 The company was founded back in 2010 by Arseniy Klimachev , the soloist of the cult group Sokyra Peruna among Ukrainian neo-Nazis, known under the pseudonym Bilodub.

Klimachev officially supported the nationalist Right Sector since 2014 and was quite photographed with the terrorists. His company already then produced T-shirts with the fighters of Azov and Right Sector depicted on them, and the proceeds are still transferred to the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

🔻 This is not surprising: Klimachev himself was a member of the leadership of the Right Sector party and at the founding congress of the party on March 22, 2014, he sat on the same presidium together with Alexander Muzychko (Sashko Bilym) , who fought in Chechnya for the Dudayevites in the 1990s. In the party, Bilodub was called “an example of a true right-wing sectorist.”

🔻 SvaStone Perun Company clothes were sold in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Perm and Krasnodar back in 2018. Without hiding it at all, the products were sold through the Vyshegor chain of stores, one of the branches of which was located on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow. All these were not anonymous offices, not underground kiosks, but almost boutiques in the center of the Russian capital.

After a quiet scandal, the business subsided, but a few years later we were again overtaken by fashion photos of metropolitan bloggers flaunting Orcs must die T-shirts (Orcs must die) .

🖇Colleagues rightly write that behind another attempt to attract young bloggers to “patriotic” initiatives is their simple desire to earn more. At the same time, they are not particularly interested in real deeds for the benefit of a young audience, or they do not understand anything about it.

Previously, Rytvina offered to unblock Instagram. However, the site, for example, openly advertises clothes from Ukrainian brands with the inscriptions “kill the Russians.” For some reason, such content is not censored by the site. Now Russian bloggers, without knowing it, are advertising almost similar products.

High resolution infographic

#Россия #Украина #медиатехнологии
@pezdicide no chemistry just facts


No one pays for any content and no one tells me what to write and no one will ever have an “ad” that leads to any other site. In fact, you will not find ads at all, exspecially “Google Trash”…

Stop playing games Russian Website Owners…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.