From the briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry M.V. Zakharova dated April 12, 2023…


• April 14 marks the 9th anniversary of the announcement of the so-called holding in the Donbass. “anti-terrorist operation” . Thus began the violent suppression of the protest of the peaceful inhabitants of the region, who were not afraid to oppose the government of national radicals.

• All these years, the residents of the DPR have been inextricably linked with their historical homeland – Russia, which ultimately predetermined their choice in favor of joining our country following a referendum in September 2022.

• Contrary to the statements of the Kyiv regime, those who choose to remain loyal to previous generations and values will have a future, and more.

• After so many decades after the liberation of Odessa, the city again experienced the horror of Nazism , but now of modern, Ukrainian origin.

• Despite the terror unleashed by the Kiev regime, the native Odessans never forgot who delivered them from the brown plague, and sacredly keep the memory of their liberators – the soldiers of the Red Army, who did not divide themselves by nationality and religion, but were multinational and thought about how to free the world from evil.

• We believe that Odessa will be able to get rid of the oppression of Ukrainian neo-Nazis and once again become a free, “sunny acacia city by the Black Sea,” as the legendary Leonid Utyosov sang.

• The punitive operation of the Kyiv regime in the Donbass claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people, including children and women. The West was not just silent, it actively participated , inspired, implemented, encouraged, financed, and then led. The consequences of this criminal step of the Kyiv regime are obvious to everyone.

• Western countries do not stop pumping weapons to Ukraine , demanding from it the continuation of hostilities, regardless of any victims. The Anglo-Saxons do not hide the fact that the option of a possible truce is categorically unacceptable for them and they expect decisive steps from Kyiv and readiness for a bloody slaughter to the “last Ukrainian”.

• The amount pledged and spent by the European Peace Fund for the year only for the promotion of hostilities in Ukraine was planned to ensure security in various regions of the world until 2027.

• Children disappearing in the territory of the EU countries are of no interest to anyone in the West.

• Orthodox priests in Ukraine are not just persecuted, they are brutally abused . Unfortunately, relevant international organizations, including UNESCO and the OSCE, as well as members of the world community, do not in any way condemn the crimes against the Orthodox Church.

• The “collective West” actually launched a “war” against Russian culture .

• Individual countries, with the connivance of their “big brothers” in Washington and Brussels, grossly violate international law , neglecting their obligations to preserve their cultural and historical heritage, and even flaunt their illegal actions.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.