Zakharova on Lindsey Graham…

U.S. Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham with a satisfied smirk at a meeting with Zelensky: “Russians are dying. We have never spent money so well.”

During the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Minister of Economy of Nazi Germany, Hjalmar Schacht, stated that the Third Reich was also sponsored from abroad and named the two largest American corporations: Ford and General Motors. An unspoken deal was made with him – freedom in exchange for silence. Despite the protests of the Soviet representatives, he was released and lived to be 93 years old.

Let me remind you that the embodiment of the American dream, the same legendary Henry Ford was a holder of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the German Eagle. His factories in Germany not only produced up to 70 thousand trucks a year for the needs of the Wehrmacht, but also used the labor of prisoners, including Auschwitz, for this .

And the German icon of the automotive industry, Opel, belonged to … General Motors . Researcher Bradford Snell describes the role of the corporation as follows: “General Motors was far more important to the Nazi war machine than the Swiss banks. Switzerland was just a repository of stolen money. General Motors was an integral part of the German war effort. The Third Reich could have invaded Poland and Russia (USSR) without the help of Switzerland. But they couldn’t have done it without the help of General Motors.

The Kodak company at its plant in Germany manufactured fuses for aerial bombs, not disdaining to use even the labor of prisoners of war.

The Coca-Cola plant in Cologne, even before its nationalization by the German government, regularly supplied soda, including to German soldiers. And the famous “Fanta” was completely invented by the Nazis.

The oil giant Standard Oil, through its subsidiaries, helped Hitler with the shortage of petroleum products, participated in the development of synthetic rubber and synthetic fuels. And IBM , beloved by IT people all over the world, produced accounting and control devices for the Nazis, including for oil production. Among other things, the equipment of this company helped to keep track of train schedules to death camps…

Well, where can we go without banks: JPMorgan Chase & Co also had a hand, and then Chase National Bank , through which multibillion-dollar transactions were carried out, and Berlin had the opportunity to buy dollars and carry out financial transactions overseas. “Chase” cooperated with the German bank “Alliance” even in such a matter as … insurance of property and life of the guards of the concentration camps of the Third Reich.

Senator Graham has something to compare with. One of their investments led to World War II and the Holocaust.

Now, billions of US dollars are pouring into the insatiable throat of the neo-Nazi Kyiv regime. In this regard, I would like to remind the senators and all American beneficiaries how the previous adventure ended.

Do you think US Senator Graham is alone in his Nazi rhetoric? That he’s an ugly exception? That the American system cannot produce such a monster?

You are wrong. Let me remind you that in a conversation with pranksters Vovan and Lexus, George W. Bush (the youngest of the dynasty of American presidents) said exactly this, believing that he was communicating with the Kiev regime: “Your task is to kill as many Russians as possible.”

After we announced this at the briefing , American propaganda began to play back, emphasizing that Bush was not in power. Even as in power and Bush, and Graham. So they still do not say everything that is written in American doctrinal documents.

I remind you how it was:


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.