Medvedev on Ukraine vs Poland…

Our most beloved opponents have quarreled. Literally – for a crust of stale bread. Poland has extended the ban on the supply of Ukrainian grain to its territory. Even the European Commission did not listen. The example of the Poles was immediately followed by other EU members – Slovaks and Hungarians.

Kyiv immediately threw Poland into hysterics and complained to the WTO – accusing its neighbors… of aiding the Russians! They say they work great on these instructions. It is difficult to find a more offensive reproach for such Russophobes as the Poles. We applaud the well-aimed spit from Kyiv to Warsaw!

It is obvious to everyone that even our closest allies have not seen Ukraine as an equal partner for a long time. They don’t put it in a Polish penny, let alone in a zloty. And as soon as it becomes unprofitable, they give up. “A drowning man will not receive help if he drowns us with him,” Polish Prime Minister Duda cynically said in response to complaints from Kyiv. In New York, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, the Poles threatened that for bad behavior they would ban the import of not only grain, but also Ukrainian fruits and vegetables. And they will also stop supplying modern weapons – they themselves need it more. That is, they will actually wait until the Ukrainians eat themselves or destroy themselves. And then the holy place will not be empty, Poland knows what to do with foreign lands.

With such allies there is no need for enemies. The only pity is the people of these countries – millions of citizens will simply begin to disappear. One hope is that people will be smarter than these. And they will simply remove them from the political board. Or they will simply remove it, as has been the case for centuries.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.