My Huawei Mate 50 just died a terrible death by an “Evil Charger” and a Mate 60 is the answer…

What do you do?

I plugged my Huawei Mate 50 in to charge and 30 seconds later, the charger decided to short out and send 220 volts straight to the phone…

What a horrible death…

Did not know that a charger would do that?

It is as if I just plugged the USB straight to the wall socket… 🙁

Not a nice thing to have happen at TRV in the middle of nowhere and farther than that from somewhere…

But, I have been reading about, with joy I might add, that Huawei is roaring back and I suspect that this time, the USA has no more bullets to try to cheat the system against Huawei, trying to protect iPhone from real competition… Rock and Roll Huawei, Rock and Roll…

And I hope Huawei puts Apple iPhone out of business…

Also, Sveta and I will do our best to help Huawei. Either a Mate 60 and or P60 Huawei will replace the fried Mate 50…

Yes, it is out of warranty and yes, I will take it apart and try to rebuild it. Except, it looks like it will cost more for parts that I paid in the first place…

Interesting, I only brought my old Samsung Galaxy Edge to play with and here I am writing this post on it. Gives me a very good detailed idea about how far apart an old flagship phone is compared to a new flagship phone…

But the Edge brings back memories and it is rooted. Oh my, I have been playing around and even installing different ROM’s…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.